Monday, June 21, 2010

As I mentioned before, we arrived safely and we are so happy to be here. This is a picture of us loading up and heading into Mexico.
It's Monday and I love it. We are heading into a busy week here helping wherever we can.

Nathan is on his way to a couple of villages to see what all needs to be done there and to estimate how much those things will cost. He will be communicating with Marc Sankey who will then make the choice on what jobs get done so that we stay within their budget.

I am with Melodie. We are getting ready for English classes which start tonight. We also may do some organizing in preparation for an upcoming Ladies' Meeting where there will be some scrapbooking.


  1. Ty & Emma said to say hello to Jada & Jackson for them. :)

  2. Ann, we just mentioned Ty and Emma last night. How are they? How was the tournament?
